American English Booklet11

3. Southern

(1) non-rhotic

(2) when r is not pronounced, it is often replaced by schwa or the vowel is lengthened:

four [foq],[fo:],[fL]

(3) linking-r, but rather rarely

(4) intrusive-r, but rarely

(5) orange, etc. with [Q]

(6) tune, due, new with [j]

(7) diphthongization of monophthongs, can't [keInt]

(8) and the reverse: monophthongization of diphthongs, mile |ma:l]. Note: monophthongization before [r] is not a diagnostic as, depending on the style of speech, our, etc. can be pronounced either [aVr] or [[ar] in most dialects of English.

(9) word-finally [I] rather than [i]

(10) sometimes [hw]

(11) before a nasal consonant [F] and [I] are pronounced the same: as a nasalized [I],

pen = pin [pIn]

(12) the words greasy and grease are pronounced with [z] rather than [s]