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An incident at school Situation

  • During the last week of the term the eighth form register goes miss­ing from the staff room. The form tutor is worried since it's the time for the end-of-term assessment which must be entered into the pupils' re­port books.

    1. 328

    2. 329

    1. The form tutor warned the pupils that if they did not produce the form register and the offender's name he/she would take the matter to the Head Teacher.

    2. Two discussions are held simultaneously — by the pupils in their class­room and by the teachers in their staff room.

    3. The pupils are trying to find the offender and the register while the teachers are concerned with the reasons for the theft and a possible pun­ishment to be imposed on the offender which will also act as a deterrent for the future. The room should be arranged so that each group has its own "working area" in order to prevent the participants from being dis­tracted.