Vocabulary exercises
Study the essential vocabulary and translate the illustrative examples into Russian.
Translate the following sentences into Russian:
1. Soames had never seen such an expression on Irene's face. And since it is always the unusual which alarms, Soames was alarmed. 2. Luckily a passer-by heard the burglar-alarm ringing in the jewellery store. 3. The world's forests are shrinking at an alarming rate. 4. She set the alarm to go off at five. 5. She must be very nervous, she fusses about all the time. 6. "I really don't see what you're making such a fuss about," said Larry coldly. 7. Why fuss so much about this trip? The things are already packed, the accounts paid. 8. She doesn't see her grandchildren very often so she tends to make a real fuss of them when she does. 9. George Smith had put on weight and got heavier in his movements, began to go grey and lose
his temper now and then. 10. The want of sympathy on the part of the world made George sell his banjo at a great loss. 11. Tom seemed lost in thought. 12. There are losses that cannot be made up for. No great loss without a small gain (proverb). 13. He is a TV addict Susan was afraid of becoming addicted to tranquillizers. Drug addiction is a plague of the 20th century. 14. The problem with video games is that they are addictive. 15. We don't know the extent of his involvement in the affair. 16. Fagin and his friends involved Oliver in a robbery. 17. The accident involved two cars and a lorry. 18. She didn't feel like getting involved in a long argument on the phone so she hung up. 19. Travel tends to sophisticate a person. 20. Some pieces of modern music can be appreciated only by a very sophisticated audience. 21. She was a country giri, shy and unsophisticated, so different from her rich cousin in New York. 22. The experiment involved sophisticated technologies. 23. Soames' most valued possession — his daughter — was of medium height and colour, with short, dark-chestnut hair. 24. A thing not being valuable or having no commercial value cannot be costly; nevertheless it may be precious to us on account of the giver. 25. You should have learned to value other people's time. 26.1 will say it to John, his services to us are invaluable. 27. Though he prided himself on trusting no one, he always accepted at face value any friendly gesture that was offered to him. 28. While the New Yorker can appreciate the beauties of nature where he can forget the urgent problems of the day, he seems to be unaffected by the joys of country life. 29. The expedition was in urgent need of supplies. 30. Everything urgent had been dealt with by her efficient secretary. 31. "He knows his stuff, said Monsier Poirot with evident approval. 32. He stuffed his ears with cotton wool not to be distracted by the noise.
3. Give the English equivalents for:
встревоженный взгляд; обеспокоенная мать; вспугнутая птица; тревожная ночь; тревожные признаки; поднять тревогу;
волноваться из-за пустяков; суетиться по дому; носиться с кем-л. (чём-л.); привередливый больной; быть разборчивым (привередливым) в еде; суматошный человек;
потерять ключ от квартиры, чемодана; проиграть сражение, игру; заблудиться, потерять кого-л. из виду; растеряться; не дойти до кого-л. (о намеке, словах, юморе), потерять равновесие; глубоко задуматься; выйти из себя, рассердиться; нести потери; потеря крови;
наркоман; пристраститься к чему-л.; склонность; пагубная привычка;
влечь за собой расходы; втянуть кого-л. в неприятности; быть втянутым во что-л.; затрагивать чьи-л. права; ввести кого-л. в большие расходы;
изысканный, утонченный вкус; изощренный аргумент; светская дама; искушенная публика; усложненная технология;
ценная вещь; ценная инициатива; ценные сведения; неоценимая помощь; представлять большую ценность; моральные ценности; оценить что-л. в ...;
крайняя необходимость; срочный ремонт; срочный вызов; неотложное дело; насущная проблема; настойчивая просьба;
сладости; зелень; фаршированная рыба; пичкать ребенка; запихивать вещи в чемодан; совать что-л. в карман.
4. Paraphrase the following sentences using the essential vocabulary:
1. She is very difficult to please, always complaining or worrying when she is ill. 2. The noise of the gun scared hundreds of birds. 3. My hints failed to impress Sally. 4. He can't tear himself away from TV.
5. He was drawn into a smuggling ring. 6. Camping trips require/call for hard work. 7. She is a woman of worldly knowledge and refine ment 8. These are really very elaborate and complicated instruments. 9. This apparatus is to be used only in case of emergencies that de mand quick action. 10. Don't pack the girl's head with fancies.
5. Answer the following questions. Use the essential vocabulary:
1. What will a mother feel if her child is late in returning? 2. What do you say when a room wants ventilating? 3. What kind of news will cause fear or anxiety? 4. What would you say of a woman of worldly knowledge and refinement? 5. What would you say of grandparents when they try to please their grandchildren in every way?
6. What would you call a person who is in the habit of constantly watching TV? 7. What would you advise a person who is very partic ular about all kinds of little things? 8. What would you call a present that may not be expensive but is very dear to you?
6. Choose the right word:
a) fear, alarm, dismay, panic
1. Robinson Crusoe was seized with ... when he saw the footprints on the sand. 2. There is always a danger of... when a theatre catches
fire. 3. The thought that she might fail the examination filled her with .... 4. He lived in constant... of his neighbours.
b) value (valuable, invaluable), price (priceless), worth
1. Some works of art have no ... for they are unique and, therefore, .... 2. The ... of a good education cannot be measured in money. In Great Britain public education is free. It costs nothing. The ... of books may seem high, but their ... to a student who is educating himself may be great.
c) impact, influence
1. The ... of the words was that of a shock. 2. Bob's close friend has some ... in shaping his character. 3. There happened two incidents, both small, which in their... on one another were to have odd results. 4. The ... of Pushkin's poetry on many Russian poets has been traced by more than one critic. 5. The handless and armless figure of Balzac by Roden has freedom and outward .... 6. The producer was persuaded that colour would destroy much of the film's .... 7. Undue... was used over the old man when he was making a will. 8. Mass media have a tremendous ... on teenagers.
7. Review the essential vocabulary and translate the following sentences into English:
1. Мысли Джейн становились все тревожнее, она ускорила шаг. 2. У него было какое-то тревожное предчувствие, от которого он не мог отделаться, как ни старался. 3. Многие родители встревожены тем, что дети просто не могут оторваться от телевизора. 4. Столько было суеты в связи с моим приездом, что я чувствовала себя просто неловко. 5. Пожалуйста, не поднимай шума, это просто царапина. 6. Больной ребенок часто капризничает, ему все не так, но родители не должны терять терпения. 7. Я в затруднении объяснить его отсутствие. 8. Он несколько раз намекал на свою крайнюю нужду в деньгах, но его намеки не дошли до редактора. 9. Алкогольная зависимость — это трагедия для семьи.
Многие, начав смотреть мыльные оперы, просто не могут оторваться от них.
Наркоманы теряют голову, пытаясь достать наркотики. 12. В скандале были замешаны известные политики и это вызвало правительственный кризис. 13. На вашем месте директора школы я бы больше привлекала родителей к решению всяких проблем. 14. По-моему, некоторые телевизионные программы создаются для искушенной (подготовленной) аудитории. 15. Все признавали, что мис-
- В.Д. Аракин, и.А. Новикова, г.В. Аксенова-Пашковская, с.Н. Бронникова, ю.Ф. Гурьева, е.М. Днанова, л.Т. Костина, и.Н. Верещагина, м.С. Страшникова, си. Петрушин
- Isbn 5-691-00978-8 (в пер.).
- Isbn 5-691-00978-8 (в пер.)
- Предисловие
- Essential course
- Text From doctor in the house
- Commentary
- Speech patterns
- Phrases and Word Combinations
- Essential vocabulary
- Summary
- 2 Textual connectors and sequence markers
- Vocabulary exercises
- Thematic vocabulary
- Higher Education
- Text From to kill a mockingbird
- By Harper Lee
- Commentary
- Commentary
- Speech patterns
- Phrases and Word Combinations
- Essential vocabulary
- To betray smb' trust, win smb's trust
- Reading comprehension exercises
- Notes on style
- Syntactical stylistic devices
- Lexical stylistic devices
- Assignments to the analysis of style
- Vocabulary exercises
- Getting to grips with phrasal verbs
- Conversation and discussion courts and trials thematic vocabulary
- Crime and Punishment
- B) Use the material of the text and the thematic vocabulary in answering the following questions:
- 7. Juvenile delinquency is an issue about which people all over the world are concerned.
- A) Read the extracts given below which present information on the gravity of the problem:
- 11. Get ready to act out a scene from the film Witness For The Prosecution
- Characters
- Scene One
- Commentary
- Speech patterns
- Phrases and Word Combinations
- Essential vocabulary
- Paraphrase the following sentences using the phrases and word combinations:
- Make up and practise a dialogue using the phrases and word combinations.
- 12. Translate the following sentences into English using the phrases and word combinations:
- Notes on style
- Vocabulary exercises
- 5. Review the essential vocabulary and translate the following sentences into English:
- Getting to grips with phrasal verbs
- 1. Read the page from a dictionary and translate the sentences into Russian.
- 2. Complete the sentences below with a suitable phrasal verb:
- Conversation and discussion books and reading thematic vocabulary
- Graham Greene: 1904-1991
- Britain's favourite books: the top 100
- Unit four
- Text From ragtime1
- By e. L. Doctorow
- Commentary
- Speech patterns
- Phrases and Word Combinations
- Essential vocabulary
- Reading comprehension exercises
- Vocabulary exercises
- 4. Paraphrase the following sentences using the essential vocabulary:
- 5. Use the essential vocabulary in answering the following questions:
- 6. Choose the right word ("to ignore", "to neglect" or their derivatives).
- 7. Fill in the blanks with postlogues:
- Make up short situations or a story using the essential vocabulary.
- Translate the following sentences into English:
- 2. Complete the sentences below with a suitable phrasal verb.
- 3. Replace the words in italics with the most suitable phrasal verbs from the dictionary entry.
- 4. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
- Conversation and discussion
- Man and music
- Thematic vocabulary
- Understanding Music
- B) Find in the text the facts the author gives to illustrate the following:
- C) Summarize the text in five paragraphs specifying the development of 1) op era, 2) operetta and musicals, 3) instrumental music, 4) jazz and 5) rock.
- 2. Use the thematic vocabulary in answering the following questions:'
- 3. Below are opinions on the development of music.
- A) Spend a few minutes individually thinking of further arguments you will use to back up one of the opinions:
- 4. Group work. Split into buzz groups of 3—4 students each. Discuss the following, using the expressions of agreement or disagreement.
- Afro-American Music
- The Proms: a Living Tradition
- Unit five
- The lumber-room
- By h. Munro
- Speech patterns
- Phrases and Word Combinations
- Essential vocabulary
- Reading comprehension exercises
- Notes on style
- Vocabulary exercises
- The Difficult Child
- The Bell Family Charter
- 2) Phrases worded in a straightforward way and those worded in a less categorical, polite way.
- B) Be ready to act out the dialogue in class.
- 11. Below are some quotations dealing with family life and children. Illustrate them with a short story.
- Unit six
- Growing up with the media
- By p. G. Aldrich
- Speech patterns
- Phrases and Word Combinations
- Essential vocabulary
- Reading comprehension exercises
- Notes on style
- Vocabulary exercises
- Getting to grips with phrasal verbs
- 2. Complete the sentences below with a suitable phrasal verb.
- 3. Replace the words in italics with the most suitable phrasal verbs from the dictionary entry.
- 4. Translate into English using phrasal verbs.
- Conversation and discussion
- Television
- Thematic vocabulary
- A National Disease?
- The Story So Far
- A) Find the English equivalents for the following:
- B) Answer the following questions:
- 4. Read the following and extract the necessary information.
- Internet
- Television Questionnaire
- Unit seven
- From the time of my ufe
- Commentary
- Speech patterns
- Phrases and Word Combinations
- Essential vocabulary
- 4. Read the passage beginning with "After the war I found..." up to "... Where their knowledge of the outside world is invaluable" and pay attention to tones, weak forms and rhythm.
- 5. Complete the following sentences:
- Make up five sentences on each pattern.
- Pair work. Make up and act out a dialoue using the speech patterns.
- Translate the following sentences into English:
- Notes on style
- Vocabulary exercises
- 4. A) Give the Russian equivalents for:
- B) Fill in the blanks with the verb "to make" with a preposition:
- 5. Paraphrase the following sentences using the essential vocabulary.
- 6. Use the essential vocabulary in answering the following questions. Give full answers repeating the wording of the questions.
- Make up and practise short dialogues or stories using the essential vocabulary.
- Review the essential vocabulary and translate the following sentences into English:
- Conversation and discussion
- Customs and holidays
- Thematic vocabulary
- The Field of Folklore
- Issues for Discussion
- Unit eight
- From thursday eveninc
- By Ch. Morley
- Speech patterns
- Phrases and Word Combinations
- Essential vocabulary
- Reading comprehension exercises
- Notes on style
- Vocabulary exercises
- Getting to grips with phrasal verbs
- Conversation and discussion
- Family life
- Thematic vocabulary
- The Politics of Housework
- Appendix
- Unit one
- Organization and structure of the system of education in the usa
- British and american universities
- Unit two
- The us Court System
- Unit three
- Guide to Literary Analysis. Evaluating a Story
- Analyzing the Author's Style
- (Continued)
- Unit six
- Major British and American Broadcasting Companies, Networks, News Agencies
- International Federation of Journalists declaration of principles on the conduct of journalists
- Additional exercises1
- Composition subjects
- Respond to the following situations either in a short story, using a dialogue and a description, or in an essay form.
- Conversational expressions (Units one - eight)
- Unit one
- Persuasion
- Persuasion
- Some means that can be useful in persuading others
- Attack and response
- Response
- Unit three
- Unit four
- Agreement and disagreement
- Expressions showing criticism and virtues
- Unit five
- Reacting to opinion
- Giving clarification
- Unit seven
- Correcting people
- Unit eight
- Role playing
- Giving advice
- I would advise you to do...
- What you must decide
- Role cards
- Possible follow-ups
- Discussing a textbook
- Situation
- Cast list
- What you must decide
- Possible follow-ups
- Television
- Situation
- Cast list
- What you must decide
- Possible follow-ups
- The investigation
- Situation
- Cast list
- What you must decide (after the role play)
- Role cards
- Possible follow-ups
- An incident at school Situation
- Cast list
- What you must decide
- Role cards
- Possible follow-ups
- Nick's birthday
- Situation
- Cast list
- What you must decide
- Role cards
- Possible follow-ups
- Students' wedding Situation
- Cast list
- What you must decide
- Role cards
- Possible follow-ups
- Методические рекомендации студентам, готовящимся к проведению микроуроков
- Рекомендации по проведению микроуроков по работе с речевыми образцами
- Тренировочные упражнения
- Упражнения на применение изученных речевых образцов
- Рекомендации по проведению микроуроков по работе с текстом
- Рекомендации по проведению микроуроков по работе с лексикой
- Рекомендации по проведению микроуроков по работе над экспрессивной речью
- Рекомендации по проведению микроуроков по работе с аудиотекстом
- Рекомендации по проведению микроуроков
- По работе над фонетической стороной
- Устной речи и чтения
- Рекомендации по проведению микроуроков
- По письменному контролю выработанных
- Навыков и умений
- Appendix
- 119571, Москва, просп. Вернадского, 88,