
Getting to grips with phrasal verbs

  • Phrasal verbs for housework. Complete the sentences, using a suitable phrasal verb from the list below.

  • clean up — take out — hang up — take down — pick up — help out — roll out — wash up — put away — heat up —

  • 1. As Jane works, her husband and children her with all

  • kinds of chores around the house. 2. It's always a good idea to

  • before you eat, especially if you've been working in the garden. 3.

  • Billy, could you please the rubbish. The bin is flowing over. 4.

  • When the clothes were dry, I them from the line and

  • folded them. 5. You're spoiling those children. They're old enough

  • to their own room without your help. 6. If someone doesn't

  • these toys, there is going to be trouble! 7.1 always help my

  • mother the dishes in the cupboard after dinner. 8. Could

  • you please your coat and not leave it on the back of this

  • chair! 9. Dad called to say that he's going to be late tonight. We can

  • leave a plate for him to when he arrives. 10. After you've

  • the dough, then put it in the pie plate and put the apples,

  • cinnamon and sugar in.

  • 8. a) Give the Russian equivalents for the following English proverbs (or trans­late them into Russian).

    1. A good husband makes a good wife.

    2. Marry in haste and repent at leisure.

    3. Blood is thicker than water.

    1. Explain in English the meaning of each proverb.

    2. Make up a dialogue to illustrate one of the proverbs.